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Our Team

About Us

Sales Team

Our dedicated sales team members provide stellar service and work with you to create innovative solutions to fit your business needs.

CONTACT US:  (08) 8274 0000

Chris James

National Fleet Specialist

David Goulter

ICT Consultant

Fred Barwa-Bosco

Cloud Solutions Specialist

James Cuevas

ICT Consultant

Justin Bradstreet

ICT Consultant

Michael Rende

Communications Consultant

Patrick Rogers

Corporate Account Manager

Stephen Phillips

ICT Consultant

Stuart Johns

Vic Sales Branch Consultant

Wade Wilson

Managed Services Specialist

Admin Team

Our friendly Administration Team are here to help with your enquiries.

The administration team are always happy to assist you in any capacity possible. This can include case investigation, ticket escalation, or forwarding you on to a more appropriate team for assistance.